Parent / Student Handbook



policies Aug 2024

School Dress Code

Parents have the primary responsibility for student dress, and we appreciate your support and cooperation to ensure that student dress does not present health or safety hazards, or become a distraction that may interfere with student learning at school.  

Dress is a form of personal expression that may affect a student’s behavior and self-image. A dress code policy is necessary in order to protect the health and safety of the school environment and to foster every student’s success in a positive manner. Students are expected to show proper attention to personal cleanliness and to wear clothes that are suitable for school activities. At Culverdale, each student participates in daily activities that include collaborative learning groups with peers, physical education activities that require rigorous movement, and whole-class lessons which require minimal distractions in the classroom.

It is recommended that you label your child's name on the tag of jackets, hats, sweatshirts, lunchboxes, water bottles, and other items that can easily end up in the Lost & Found.  We have dozens of articles of clothing each year that go unclaimed and get donated to charity.

To  provide a safe and effective educational environment on campus, all students must comply with the following:

Clothing Size

  • All clothing should be appropriately-sized to fit the student.
    • Excessively-loose clothing can be unsafe and distracting, as school activities require movement throughout the day. 
    • Excessively-tight clothing is not appropriate for a Kindergarten to 6th Grade educational environment.
  • Pants, shorts, skirts, or shirts must cover the student's underwear.
  • Shirts and tops must cover a child’s midriff, back, and stomach area.
    • Shoulder straps must be at least 1.5 inches wide at the top of the shoulder.
  • Shorts should be of appropriate length to not create a distraction or discomfort among students and staff.
    • (in general) If a student stands with arms down at his/her side, the shorts should be longer than his/her fingertips.

Accessories and Footwear

  • Hoods on sweatshirts or jackets may not be worn over the head and ears while inside classrooms or hallways (with the exception of religious dress codes). 
    • The instructional staff is responsible for engaging visually and auditorially with each student, to provide optimal learning opportunities.
    • A hood or hat may be worn over the head for sun protection or for warmth outside the classroom.
    • If the classroom temperature is cold, the student should notify the teacher immediately so solutions can be considered.
  • Hats may be worn outside for the purpose of avoiding sun exposure.
    • Logos on hats must be of brands or sports teams that are appropriate for children.
  • Sunglasses may be worn outside for the purpose of avoiding sun exposure. 
  • Wallet chains and oversized necklaces are not safe for school activities.
  • Large bracelets, hoop earrings, and dangling earrings are not safe and can be distracting for learning environments.
  • Flip-flops, sandals, Crocs, shoes with wheels, and shoes with heels are not appropriate. Shoes need to be safe for physical education activities and for interacting on the busy playground.
    • Tennis shoes (sneakers) are recommended.

Hair and Make-up

  • Extreme hairstyles and unnatural hair coloring are not appropriate, as they can create disruptions and complications to effective learning environments.
    • There will be coordinated school spirit days that allow for fashion and hairstyle expression.
  • Facial cosmetics should not be worn by students on an elementary campus, with the exception of performances or plays that require make-up for costumes.

Images and Text on Clothing

  • Clothing can not display graphics or words related to alcohol, smoking, vaping, drugs, gangs, profanity, violence, or indecency.
    • Appropriate text on clothing applies to English and all other languages.

Administrative Enforcement of the School Dress Code

  • Parents will be notified of the dress code infraction to provide a suitable alternative so the student can return to the instructional environment as soon as possible.
  • If a parent is unable to remedy the infraction during school hours, a student will be lent an appropriate article of clothing or a makeshift belt to cover any inappropriate displays.
  • Administrative disciplinary measures may be enforced for repeated infractions, for intentional infractions meant to offend a group or person, or for refusal to cooperate with immediate remedies to a dress code infraction.

"You can be classy, comfortable, AND fashionable at the same time"

Cell Phones, Smartwatches, & Internet Policy

Cell Phones, Smartwatches, and Electronic Devices

Responsible and Appropriate Use Policy 
*All electronic devices brought to school by students are the responsibility of the student in regards to damage, loss, and appropriate usage.

When students use school-issued electronic devices, the device can only be used for staff-approved software, Internet domains, media players, etc.  Inappropriate usage will result in loss of device access temporarily and possible administrative disciplinary action.

  • Students may bring family-owned cell phones to school if the phone is powered OFF from the 8:00am start bell until the dismissal bell.
    • Cell phones must be kept inside a student's backpack or kept inside the teacher's desk during the whole school day.
    • Students are not permitted to take photos or videos on campus before or after school.
  • Students can wear smartwatches to school, but a student can not use text messaging, phone calling, or Internet features during school hours.
  • E-Readers (i.e. Kindles) are not permitted at school. (updated Oct 4, 2023)
  • Students can bring a personal electronic device that is not mentioned above if the teacher or principal has granted permission to the student and parent.
  • When students use school electronic devices, the device can only be used for staff-approved software, Internet domains, etc.

Teachers will summarize this policy during the first week of school. 
Parents also review this policy in the Data Confirmation checklist before school starts.

  • The first infraction of this policy will result in a verbal warning to the student and a review of this policy.
  • The second infraction will result in temporary confiscation of the device until the end of the school day, with notification to the parent(s) with this policy linked via email.  The incident will be documented as a "second warning" and "parent notification" as the disciplinary actions.
  • Subsequent infractions will result in a conference with the student, his/her parent(s), and an administrator to understand any reasons for the recurrence and to implement progressive discipline measures.

*As trends and technology change, the school leadership teams reserve the right to amend these policies as needed in order to keep a safe and effective school environment, consistent with the IUSD Board Policy.

Health Guidelines

In order to provide a healthy school environment for all children and staff, the following guidelines have been prepared to assist you in decisions relating to your child's health and school attendance. If your child is not feeling well and you are uncertain about sending him/her to school on any given day, it is best to keep your child home and observe him/her for worsening symptoms. If a child is too ill to attend school in the morning, it is recommended that he/she stay home all day. When you make the decision to keep your child home, please notify the school secretary or attendance line that your child will be absent and state the nature of your child's illness.

Covid-19 symptomsEach morning before school, parents should screen their child for symptoms related to Covid-19.  Click here to access the screening checklist.  Any students who exhibit symptoms at school will be isolated, the parents contacted, and the student will be sent home if merited (based on the IUSD screening flow chart).
ColdsStudent needs to remain home if he/she has an excessive runny nose, excessive coughing, temperature at or above 100°F, or is too uncomfortable to function at school.
Chicken PoxStudent may return to school after all blisters are dried and crusted over. Notify school nurse if your child has chickenpox.
DiarrheaIf a student has diarrhea 2 times in a day, he/she needs to remain at home until diarrhea subsides and no other signs of illness exist
Ear InfectionsStudent needs to be evaluated by a physician if he/she complains of ear pain. Early treatment can ward off possible permanent damage to the ear which could result in hearing loss.
Eye InfectionsRedness, drainage, or watering of the eyes requires assessment to determine the cause of the conjunctivitis (pink eye) or possible eye injury. Eyes need to be clear, or student needs to be treated with prescription medication for at least 24 hours before returning to school.
Fractures & SurgeriesParents need to contact the nurse when a child has a serious injury or surgery. Modifications to physical activity and mode of travel throughout the school campus need to be evaluated. Please provide written information from your physician as to your child's level of activity at school. State limitations and special needs.
School InjuriesThe nurse will assess the injury, administer first aid, and notify parents as soon as possible by phone and/or note as to the type and status of injury.
Head LiceStudent needs to stay home from school and be treated with shampoo or rinse as recommended by your doctor or pharmacy. Children may return to school when the hair is nit free. Notify the school nurse if your child has head lice.
RashesStudent is to remain at home with any undiagnosed skin rash and may return when the rash has cleared, or with a doctor’s note stating diagnosis and clearing him/her to return to school.
Strep ThroatStudent needs to be treated with antibiotics for 48 hours before returning to school if there is a positive throat culture.
FeverThe student needs to be fever-free (less than 100°F) for at least 24 hours.
VomitingStudent is to remain at home if he/she has vomited within the past 24 hours. Should a student experience vomiting during school hours, the student will be sent home. The student needs to remain home for at least 24 hours after vomiting subsides.