Click to access the Health Condition Information Form
Health Office Hours:
Monday-Friday ~ 8:20am - 1:20pm
Direct Phone: 949-936-5611
Attendance Phone Line: 949-936-5601
Culverdale Fax Line: 949-936-5609
Health Assistant: Vineeta Arya, Monday-Friday
Nurse: Jeannine Arya, Fridays
<updated 1/23/2024>
In order to provide a healthy school environment for all children and staff, the following guidelines have been prepared to assist you in decisions relating to your child's health and school attendance.
- If your child is not feeling well and you are uncertain about sending him/her to school on any given day, it is best to keep your child home and observe him/her for worsening symptoms. If a child is too ill to attend school in the morning, it is recommended that he/she stay home all day.
- When you make the decision to keep your child home, please confirm your child's absence with our attendance line (949-936-5601) and state the nature of your child's illness. As a courtesy, please email the teacher also.
- These are general guidelines. School nurses may use clinical judgment to decide whether or not to exclude a student.
COVID-19 |
A student may return to school as long as the student is fever-free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medication, has improving symptoms, and is feeling well. |
Colds / Flu |
A student needs to remain home if they have an excessive runny nose, excessive coughing, difficulty breathing or temperature at or above 100.4°F, or looks or acts very ill. |
Diarrhea |
If a student has diarrhea 2 times in a day, they need to remain at home until the diarrhea subsides and no other signs of illness exist. If the student wears diapers, they need to remain at home until the diarrhea resolves. |
Ear Infections |
The student should be evaluated by a physician if they complain of ear pain. Early treatment can help ward off permanent damage to the ear, to prevent hearing loss. |
Eye Infections |
Redness with drainage, or watering of the eyes requires assessment to determine the cause of conjunctivitis or possible eye injury. The student will be excluded for purulent (pink or red conjunctiva with white or yellow drainage). The student must remain home until treated or the eyes are no longer red with drainage. |
Fever |
The student will be excluded from school with a temperature at or above 100.4°F. A student may return to school when they have been fever-free (less than 100.4°F) without fever-reducing medication for at least 24 hours. |
Headache |
Notify the parents of a sudden, severe headache with vomiting or a stiff neck, as this might signal meningitis. Return to school when symptoms resolve with doctor's release note. |
Head Lice |
Students must be treated with shampoo or rinse as recommended by their doctor or pharmacy, and they may return to school after treatment when the hair is nit-free. Notify the school nurse if your child has head lice, and sign the Verification of Treatment Form when your student returns to school. |
Rash |
A student may remain at school unless the rash has oozing or open areas that cannot be covered. The student needs to be at home if the rash is accompanied by a fever, his/her behavior changes, or he/she is feeling ill. If a student has been diagnosed with impetigo, scabies, or ringworm, they may return to school once treatment is started. Notify the health office first. |
School Injuries |
The nurse, health assistant, or other school staff will assess the injury, administer first aid, and notify parents as soon as possible, by phone and/or note, as to the type and status of injury. |
Serious Injuries and Surgeries |
The school nurse must be notified when a student has sustained a serious injury or has had surgery. A note from the physician must describe any limitations or special needs for after the student is cleared to return to school. This allows an evaluation of possible modifications to the school schedule, physical activity limitations, and accommodated mobility on the school campus. |
Sore Throat / Strep Throat |
Student needs to stay home if they have an inability to swallow, excessive drooling, difficulty breathing, fever, or a change in behavior. The student needs to be treated with antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to school if a medical test determines a positive throat culture. |
Chicken Pox | A student may return to school after all blisters are dried and crusted over. Notify the school nurse if your child has chickenpox symptoms or confirmed chickenpox. |
Stomachache |
Has the student eaten recently? The student should be excluded if there's severe pain causing him/her to double over, cry, scream, note an abdominal injury, have diarrhea, vomit, or appear to be ill. A student may return to school when the pain resolves and is symptom-free. |
Vomiting |
The student is to remain at home if they have vomited two or more times within the past 24 hours. Any student who has one occurrence of vomiting at school may remain at school that day if there are no other signs or symptoms of illness. |